Subject: A 'Rush' to Judgment Author: CourtTV9 Uploaded By: CourtTV9 Date: 6/11/1996 File: RUSH.TXT (13938 bytes) Estimated Download Time (53797 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 75 During a free reading period, a fourth grade teacher spotted the words "Condoms: The New Diploma" on a student's book and seized it. The book was talk show host Rush Limbaugh's "The Way Things Ought to Be," and the chapter in question ridicules the practice of schools distributing condoms to students. According to this May 2, 1996 complaint, the student's father told school officials that the student had permission to read the book, but the school refused to return the book to the boy and will not permit it to be read in the classroom. The plaintiffs claim their First Amendment rights were violated.